Hi there!...I've been MIA for a while... I know...forgive me but in my defense I did tell you I'd be slumped up on The Creatars blog... It's where I've been hanging nowadays ooo come check it out right after here ya heard?  πŸ˜„...but I still have not forgotten you awesome people. Hiatuses are meant to be broken and what better with than a short story! 😁....Happy Reading! πŸ™Œ

 "Okay Abu eeei!... Let me tell you something . Here’s one. Women send signals. What I just did,  That was a brush off. Before you dip into your shallow pool of wit, let me paint us a picture and save us both the trouble. Here’s your evening. You are going to slink back off to your buddies, laugh this off, get wasted, and make your way shamefully home. But don’t be thinking of me because even your fantasy of me isn’t interested in you!" Yaa screamed at Abu in his face and if one were to scrutinize Abu's face carefully, sputum from Yaa's mouth would have been found .

And what was his crime?
He had made the 'unforgivable ' mistake of telling Yaa that he was interested in her. Abu was the resident bicycle repairer in Kyiritwedie.

 His life had been fine until that storm in a form of Yaa blew ajar the doors to the core of his very heart. She was a second year *unifartisy(how the old women in the town pronounce it) student who had come to visit her grandmother, Auntie Patricia in the little town of Kyiritwedie( pronounced kyiri-tw3-de3 which literally means 'we hate scuffles')

 For Abu,  it was love at first...wait what is the word? ...sight... Yes!... For Abu it was love at first sight the day Yaa had brought her bicycle for a puncture to be repaired.

Those little braided strings of hair that hung effortlessly from her head that her dainty neck held in perfect position . Her chocolate skinned legs that were placed firmly in a simple pair of black Toms nearly placed Abu in an eternal trance.

When his colleague, Diop  had shook him back to consciousness,  he had done the repairs so diligently. The girl liked Abu and his comic ways as he worked and so being new in town and naturally looking for a 'friend' , she struck up a friendship with him.

 Abu liked the girl and after moving with her for almost half of the month she was to spend there on her visit,  he mustered up the courage to let the girl
Know. He recalls how his friends had laughed when he made the decision known to them.

"what?!... a city girl?!...eish Abu are you the only stranger in Jerusalem? " jeered one.

 "Hoh... And a unifartisy girl too... There may be a queue of sugar daddies at her door!" jeered another as the whole company of five individuals burst out laughing.

Listening to what Yaa had told him,  he regretted not listening to his friends. After being silent momentarily, he remarked to Yaa, "Yes... Yaa... You are right... I'm an ignoramus and from my head to toe, the clothes are fake. I don't know a lot about women but I can tell you this much. You feel something for me. Maybe you don't know it yet or you're ignoring it. All I know is: the first time I saw you, I knew I would jump in front of a firing squad for you if the need arose...

 "Knew that I would stand up to the world even for you.. Hmmm "he sighed and continued" as for the you and your fantasy self not being interested in me...where's your phone? " he asked taking the phone from her hands.

"Here... " he offered it back to her after fidgeting with it.

 " I've deleted my number and yours from mine... You don't have anything to worry about now, " he ended and got on his bike and rode away.

Yaa stood there stunned and watched as he disappeared around the bend far off. Abu was was gone and there she thought,  had she made a mistake?

*Unifartisy : a colloquialism of university. 

Ps: don't keep, share & comment 😁





Slaying In the Oguaa War: My Secret To A 3.9 GPA