Over the week,  I caught up with Efo Dela for an interview which he was far too kind to oblige. Now for those of us who may not know who this sensational young man is, It us my utmost pleasure to introduce him to you.

Efo Dela is a Computer Engineer, sometimes blogger, sometimes social media enthusiasts but always a  lover of words, reading or writing them. Read more of Dela's works on his blog: and you can also follow him on twitter via the handle @Amegaxi. 

He describes himself as an "unrepentant cynic, recently diagnosed with a debilitating case of sarcasm."
His satiric pieces have been featured on GraphicOnline and Some of his poems on MyJoyOnline.
Now let's delve into the interview! 😁

The Interview.

  Efo, it is the utmost pleasure of our little family here  to have you here for this interview.  Thank you and welcome again.

The Questions.

Zindagi :Who is Efo Dela?

Efo : Efo Dela is a lover of words and how they can be used to express varied emotions. I love to read, write, listen and play with words. I love it when I notice hidden meanings in sentences that seem innocuous.
When I'm not getting hyped up over words, I'm at work. I'm a computer Engineer working for a mobile engagement tech company called Viamo.

Zindagi :You're very active on twitter and some of your tweets are quite delightful. One peculiar thing I've noticed about your twitter account is the name @Amegaxi which is your twitter handle...It's quite unique... What does 'Amegaxi' mean ?

Efo : There's an Ewe proverb/idiom about an animal kingdom in which a law was passed to ban running.
This law made the wolf very unhappy. One day, the the king's mother-in-law tells the king that her goat had escaped and she needed someone to chase the goat. The wolf volunteered and was seen running about the whole day. Any time someone asked why the wolf was running, he would say, he was chasing the goat.
Amegaxi means wolf and social media is my excuse to be running around enjoying myself.

Zindagi : That's quite interesting to know. I understand you're a poet too and one of your pieces was featured on MyJoyOnline. Congratulations on that by the way.  What is your philosophy about poetry?

Efo:I think as much as possible poetry should not just be beautiful to ready but understandable. I understand that some people want their poems to be deep but if no one understands it then it really isn't worth reading.
Even if they don't understand  the figurative symbols,  they should be able to find some literal meaning.
Also poetry needs not be boring in high school core English. The poetry teachers were boring. They made lot of people lose interest.
Like all activities, practice makes perfect. Writing gets better as you write more and also reading a lot.

Zindagi : Interesting πŸ™Œ...Efo,  I understand you're a satirist too and your satiric pieces on ,your other blog ,are to die for... I remember vividly the joy I had while reading the 'Joys of oyaa soomi ' and I'm quite sure anyone who has read it too found it immensely amusing.... I'm sure the question on everyone's mind is... How do you come up with your Satiric pieces?

Efo : I like to think I've got a good sense of humour. You need that among other things to be able to write satire. Also, you need to have strong opinion about certain political and social issues to write satire. Ghana is a satirists dream. Everyday there's something new to write or laugh about. You have to find a reason to laugh about some of our issues. It's either that or cry and I prefer to laugh.  I've not done a lot of satirical writing in a while but I should be back doing that soon.

Zindagi : That's interesting to know... We'll be waiting eagerly... I know I will πŸ˜‚...Efo it's been a pleasure having you here with us... The conversation has surely being interesting... You are a very prolific writer and blogger by all standards and conventions... There are a lot of young and upcoming bloggers out there, myself inclusive... What word of advice would you like to give us?

Efo: My advice would be to keep writing and keep reading. You only get better with practice. Of course there are other forms of blogging, photo, audio, video etc. In all you get better with practice.

Zindagi : Great words to live by Efo... It's been a great pleasure as always and our little growing family here is glad you took the time out your busy schedule to heed our call. Thank you and we hope this would be the start of a great relationship between us .  😍πŸ‘ͺ

So there you have it folks,  that was Efo Dela ,'the unrepentant cynic ' for this week's Blog Interview. Subscribe to this blog by clicking the subscribe button at the top header to receive notifications of Great Content....and you can visit to check out some of Efo's poetry pieces too... Thanks once again for reading ... Until next time,  GoodbyeπŸ‘ͺπŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

Owusu Frimpong Michael ©





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