Heya guys, we've been silent these past few days right? Well, don't vex 'cause yours truly and the team were bouncing ideas around as to how to make our little family here grow and good news is, I think we cracked it! Today's piece is the beginning of a segment we've introduced called, #HaveYourSayWednesday. This means from this Wednesday, the next and all other series of Nexts to come, we'll be publishing ideas from different people and diaspora across the length and breadth of our noble country. So sit back, read and enjoy as we serve you delicious content after content after con...😉 A ll is not well. YOU SEE SIR, I wanted to become a doctor when I was in junior high school but I had to change it when I completed because General Arts became more logical to my family and this decision was dependant on the income of my parents.I developed an interest in Economics when I was in senior high scho...